About Me

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Texas, United States
I am happily married to Ellis. We were married on May 9th of 2009 (the best day of my life). I am a nurse in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). Ellis is currently in school full time finishing up his basics and is also working as a care partner at the hospital. He plans to attend nursing school. On December 19th of 2010 we were blessed with our son, Gavin. Gavin was with us for 11 short days (that we are extremely grateful for) before he passed away. He is now with our Father in Heaven, where we look forward to seeing him again someday. We are currently expecting our second baby, a little girl. She is due in May of 2012. We have a chocolate lab named Sadie and a yellow lab named Lucky. They are both a little over two years old and a lot of fun. I enjoy learning more about God, traveling, shopping, and spending time with my husband,friends,and family. We love God and know we are blessed beyond measure.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Happy Monday!

Hey! Hope everyone's week is getting off to a good start. Our day has been great. I worked a few extra hours this morning and Ellis started school today. He is excited to get back in the swing of the things. We have life group tonight which we always enjoy. We are 11 weeks pregnant today. Only 2 more weeks and we will be into the second trimester. It seems to be going by so fast. If we are lucky and the baby cooperates we will get to find out in four to five weeks whether it's a boy or a girl. This week our little baby is the size of a lime. All of his or her organ systems are in place, the ears are moving up and to the side of the head, fingernails are developing, and the reproductive organs are growing rapidly. By the end of the week our little fetus will have recognizable male or female parts. He or she weighs approximately a third of an ounce. Hope everyone has a great week. I have attached a few more pictures of our dogs. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Meet the Newest Addition to Our Family

We have a new addition to our family. Her name is Lucky. She is a yellow lab and she is 9 months old (just 3 months younger than Sadie). We got her for free from someone that I work with. They loved her but they are very busy and didn't feel like she was getting the time and attention that she needed. She has been here for several hours now and so far things are going well. Lucky and Sadie play really well together. They have played and played and played. I think they will be really good for each other. Anyways here are a few pictures of the two of them. I tried to take a good picture of Lucky but she won't sit still long for me to get a picture. Hope everyone is having a great week-end.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Welcome to Our Blog!

I decided to start a blog so that our friends and family far away can see what's new with our life. The latest most exciting news is that we are expecting our first baby due in March of 2011. Today we a little over 10 weeks. Things are going well so far. We've had a few ultrasounds already and things look great so far. Last week we had a doctor's appointment and we were able to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. We had seen it on the ultrasound, but we had not heard it before. It was one of the most amazing sounds I've ever heard. It's those little big things that are so reassuring. The doctor had started me on Synthroid because my thyroid levels were a little abnormal at our first visit. I had my lab redrawn last week and now my labs are normal with the low dose synthroid that I am on. God is so good. In the beginning I really stressed myself out with worrying about all the things that I can't control (I guess that comes with being an NICU nurse), but I know that God is in control and all I can do is take care of myself. I have reminded myself over and over again of Phillipians 4:6-7-Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding,will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. I hope this post finds you all doing well.