About Me

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Texas, United States
I am happily married to Ellis. We were married on May 9th of 2009 (the best day of my life). I am a nurse in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). Ellis is currently in school full time finishing up his basics and is also working as a care partner at the hospital. He plans to attend nursing school. On December 19th of 2010 we were blessed with our son, Gavin. Gavin was with us for 11 short days (that we are extremely grateful for) before he passed away. He is now with our Father in Heaven, where we look forward to seeing him again someday. We are currently expecting our second baby, a little girl. She is due in May of 2012. We have a chocolate lab named Sadie and a yellow lab named Lucky. They are both a little over two years old and a lot of fun. I enjoy learning more about God, traveling, shopping, and spending time with my husband,friends,and family. We love God and know we are blessed beyond measure.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Latest News on Gavin

Sorry this update is so late. It is hard for me at times to discuss the reality of what is going on with our sweet Gavin. Our last doctor's appointment for Gavin was on 11/18/10. We had a comprehensive ultrasound and the doctor noticed that not only are Gavin's arms and legs short, but so are his ribs. She is very concerned for Gavin. The small amount of good news that we received at our doctor's visit is that Gavin did not have any hydrocephalus. He does still have the Dandy Walker Variation, but it hasn't changed in size. The doctor is perplexed at what is going on with Gavin because he doesn't fit many different syndromes that have some of these characteristics. She is now concerned that Gavin has a form of skeletal dysplasia. We sent off some of my blood even though skeletal dysplasia is usually not genetic and also some amniotic fluid to look for three different types of skeletal dysplasia. If these tests come back negative it just means that Gavin doesn't have any of the three types that the doctor thinks are most likely for him due to our history and his anomalies. It doesn't mean that he doesn't have a different form of skeletal dysplasia. This was a hard doctor's appointment for us as they all seem to be hard lately because our doctor told us that there is a lot about Gavin that we will not know until he is born. This is very scary for us, but we continue to remember that God is control. There will be a plan to have the NICU at his delivery because the doctor is worried about Gavin's airway at delivery. The doctor also found that I have polyhydramnios which is too much amniotic fluid. We will continue to monitor this, as this is something else that could cause problems for Gavin and I. Please continue to pray for us. I do pretty well most of the time, but do have days where I am extremely scared for our sweet Gavin. We continue to pray that God will do more than doctor's could ever imagine for our sweet baby. I know God never gives you more than you can handle, but I lately I have felt that He comes awfully close. I'm very grateful for my amazing husband and wonderful friends and family who have been there for us. I will have an MRI on 12/1/10 to look at Gavin's brain and spinal cord. Please pray that we will get good results from this. We should also get the results from the skeletal dysplasia tests by next Friday. Thanks for all the prays and support.
Love to all,

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